sábado, marzo 26, 2011

hola señora nieve - Hi Mrs. Snow

hola señora nieve by Buany
hola señora nieve, a photo by Buany on Flickr.

Se puede haber sido tan guapo?. La jefa encontró esta foto de nuestro Verdi, y se ha quedado mirandola, porque le recordamos aun tanto de lo guapo que era.
A que es linda??¿¿

It may have been as handsome?. The jefa found this picture of our Verdi, and has been watching her, because they both still remember how handsome he was.


3 comentarios:

  1. w00fs, Verdi was sooo handsome...

    b safe,

  2. This is the kind of weather Dennis has every day all winter ;-) He loves it, I think it is his genes from Himalaya.... ;-)

  3. Gaucho
    I will always wemembew Vewdi..one of my fiwst and bestest handsomest fwiends
    He will stay in my heawt
    smoochie kisses
