Hi to all, buddies, I'm Dog, James Dog, the dog spies with license to bite (if they get with my small protected Gaucho)
Hoy es Halloween. Así que feliz Halloween a todos los perritos, gatitos y hamsters.. amigos.
Lo que os voy a mostrar es muy fuerte, y da mucho susto, asi que aviso a perritos sensibles que tomen sus precausiones. Cuidado!!! que asusta.....
Today it is Halloween. So happy Halloween to all the "perritos" (little dogs), kitties and hamsters .. friends. What I am going to show you it is very strong, and fright gives very much, this way that I warn to perritos sensitive that take his precausiones. Taken care!!! That it scares.....
Gaucho de frances!!! jajajajajaja A que asusta????
Gaucho of Frenchdog!!! Jajajajajaja To which he scares????
Este era el disfraz que pensó Verdi para esta fiesta, de perro-rapero. Está guapo no???
This it was the fancy dress that Verdi thought for this holiday, of dog - rapper. He is handsome not???

Aquí en España no se festeja Halloween, en realidad. Pero en honor a nuestros amigos de anglosajones, este blog lo festeja.
Here in Spain Halloween is not feasted, actually. But in honor to our friends of Anglo-Saxon, this blog feasts it.
Les dejamos, Gaucho se va con la jefa a la peluquería, toca baño, y yo me voy a tomar mi "Dog Martini", como siempre, sin alchol, agitado no revuelto, de aperitivo para festejar Halloween. Salud amigos, Feliz halloween, buena semana.
We leave them, Gaucho goes away with the jefa to hairdreses, Today is the Gaucho' bath time, and I am going to take my "Dog Martini", like always, without alchol, stirred not shaken,.to fest halloween, Health friends, Happy Halloween, good week.
Here in Spain Halloween is not feasted, actually. But in honor to our friends of Anglo-Saxon, this blog feasts it.
Les dejamos, Gaucho se va con la jefa a la peluquería, toca baño, y yo me voy a tomar mi "Dog Martini", como siempre, sin alchol, agitado no revuelto, de aperitivo para festejar Halloween. Salud amigos, Feliz halloween, buena semana.
We leave them, Gaucho goes away with the jefa to hairdreses, Today is the Gaucho' bath time, and I am going to take my "Dog Martini", like always, without alchol, stirred not shaken,.to fest halloween, Health friends, Happy Halloween, good week.