Hi to all, buddies, I'm Dog, James Dog, the dog spies with license to bite (if they get with my small protected Gaucho)
Antes que nada, pedimos disculpas. Nuestra cuenta de correo y la de Verdi, estaban con un problema y hasta ayer no vimos las tarjetas que nuestros amigos nos mandaron por San Valentin. Ya nos extrañaba que nos hubieran olvidado!!!!
Más abajo las tarjetas que hemos recibido...
First of all, we ask for excuses. Our account of mail and that of Verdi, they were with a problem and up to yesterday we did not see the cards that our friends ordered us for San Valentin. Already it was surprising us that they had forgotten us!!!! Down below the cards that we have received
En otro orden de cosas, la huelga de perritos sigue. Pero esta vez se ha pasado a los vídeos. Miren, miren...
In another order of things, the strike of little dogs continues. But this time has passed to the videoes. Look, look...
Our Valentin´s day card!!!

Indiana, Shingo, and Molly - The Fiesty Three

Gracias a todos aunque tarde - Tx so much to all... tought it´s late...
Les dejo, ya os he dado las noticias, yo me voy a tomar mi "Dog Martini", como siempre, sin alcohol, agitado no revuelto. Mientras los perritos hacen huelga, yo me tomo unos dog Martinis como debe ser.. A las trincheras!!!!
We leave them, I give to all the news, and I am going to take my "Dog Martini", like always, without alchol, stirred not shaken, While the little dogs do strike, I take a few dog Martinis as debit to be.. To the trenches!!!!